1974年聯合國歐洲經濟委員會(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;UNECE)成立,為協助達成性別平等,UNECE 建立性別統計資料庫,希望透過一套共同的指標,來觀測領域內性別平等的進展情形,並以此作為評估各國性別政策有效性之依據。
Gender Country Profiles
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1- 1
Total population, in persons 年中或年平均人口
原文說明文字:Total mid-year or annual average population.
1- 2
Population aged 65+ as percentage of total population 65歲以上人口占年中或年平均人口之比率
原文說明文字:Total mid-year or annual average population.
1- 3
Total fertility rate 總生育率
原文說明文字:The total fertility rate is defined as the average number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of a given year.
1- 4
Life expectancy at birth, in years 零歲平均餘命
原文說明文字:Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a newborn is expected to live, if the prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of her/his birth were to stay the same throughout her/his life.
1- 5
Life expectancy at age 65, in years 65 歲平均餘命
原文說明文字:Life expectancy at 65 is the average number of years a person at the age of 65 is expected to live, if the prevailing patterns of mortality at the time when she/he has reached the age of 65 were to stay the same throughout the rest of her/his life.
1- 6
Mean age at first marriage 平均初婚年齡
原文說明文字:The mean age at first marriage is the weighted average of the different ages (limited at age 50), using as weights the age-specific marriage rates for first marriages only.
1- 7
Economic activity rate 勞動力參與率
原文說明文字:The economic activity rate is the share of the labour force (employed + unemployed) in the total population aged 15+.
1- 8
Proportion of workers in a managerial position 勞工擔任管理職務的比率
原文說明文字:The employed are all the residents above a specified age who, during a specified brief period, either one week or one day, were in the following categories: (a) paid employment: (a1) at work (a2) with a job but not at work (b) self-employment: (b1) at work (b2) with an enterprise but not at work
1- 9
Gender pay gap as difference in monthly earnings 性別薪資差距,以每月薪資計
原文說明文字:Gender pay gap is the difference between men’s and women’s average earnings from employment, shown as a percentage of men’s average earnings.
1- 10
Long term unemployment rate 長期失業率
原文說明文字:The long-term unemployment rate is the share of the long-term unemployed in the total unemployed population.
1- 11
Proportion among population aged 25-49 with tertiary educational attainment 25-49歲人口具有高等教育學歷占比
原文說明文字:Educational attainment is defined as the highest level successfully completed by the person, in the educational system of the country where the education was received. The levels of education are defined according to the ISCED 1997.
1- 12
Tertiary students, percent of both sexes 高等教育學生性別比率
原文說明文字:Tertiary students are those enrolled in level 5A, 5B or 6 of the ISCED 1997 for the academic year concerned.
1- 13
Members of national parliament, percent of both sexes 100.0 國會成員性別比率
原文說明文字:Members of parliament are the persons elected to the lower or single house by the persons entitled to vote in the country. The parliament is the legislative or deliberative assembly; one or more chambers or assemblies that form (or form part of) the legislature of a country.
1- 14
Senior civil servants, percent of both sexes 高階公務員性別比率
原文說明文字:Senior level civil servants are defined according to ISCO 1120 (e.g. government administrators, administrators at intergovernmental organisations, ambassadors, consul-general, etc.).
1- 15
Time spent by employed persons on free time activities 就業者運用在自由活動之時間
原文說明文字:Time use of employed persons represents the average time spent (hours and minutes) on an activity per day by people currently in employment.Data refer to people aged 20-74.
1- 16
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 with children under 3 25-49歲有3歲以下子女者的就業率
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons aged 25 to 49 in the population of the corresponding sex and age group.
1- 17
Researchers, percent of both sexes 研究人員性別比率
原文說明文字:Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and also in the management of the projects concerned.
1- 18
Victims of serious assaults, percent of both sexes 受嚴重攻擊的被害人性別比率
原文說明文字:A serious assault is an injury whereby life could be endangered, including cases of injury involving the use of dangerous instrument.
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2- 1
Population, 5-year age groups, by sex 人口數,按5歲年齡組分,依性別
原文說明文字:Total mid-year or annual average population.
2- 2
Population, selected age groups, by sex 年中或年平均人口依年齡組區分
原文說明文字:Total mid-year or annual average population.
2- 3
Sex ratio for population aged 80 and over 80歲以上人口性別比
原文說明文字:The sex ratio of the population aged 80 and over is the number of women aged 80 and over per 100 men of the same age.
2- 4
Population, 5-year age groups, by marital status and sex 人口數,按5歲年齡組分,依婚姻狀況及性別
原文說明文字:Marital status is defined as the legal conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country, i.e. Never married (Single), Married, Widowed and not remarried, Divorced and not remarried.
2- 5
Population 18 and plus, selected age groups, by marital status and sex 18歲以上人口數,依婚姻狀況及性別
原文說明文字:Marital status is defined as the legal conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country, i.e. Never married (Single), Married, Widowed and not remarried, Divorced and not remarried.
Fertility, families and households
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3- 1
Total live births by sex 新生兒性別比
原文說明文字:A live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such separation breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.
3- 2
Adolescent fertility 青少年生育率
原文說明文字:The adolescent fertility rate is the number of live births to women aged 15-19 per 1000 women aged 15-19.
3- 3
Total fertility rate 總生育率
原文說明文字:The total fertility rate is defined as the average number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of a given year.
3- 4
Mean age of women at birth of first child 首次生產婦女之平均年齡
原文說明文字:The mean age of women at birth of first child is the weighted average of the different childbearing ages, using as weights the age-specific fertility rates of first-order births.
3- 5
First marriages by age and sex 初婚年齡,依性別
原文說明文字:Data on first marriages are numbers of men and women who were married for the first time during the year, by age at last birthday.
3- 6
Mean age at first marriage by sex 平均初婚年齡
原文說明文字:The mean age at first marriage is the weighted average of the different ages (limited at age 50), using as weights the age-specific marriage rates for first marriages only.
3- 7
Legal abortions 墮胎率
原文說明文字:Legal abortions refer to legally induced early foetal deaths and do not cover spontaneous abortions (i.e. miscarriages).
The abortion rate is defined as the number of abortions per 1000 live births during a given year.
3- 8
One parent families and children by sex of parent 單親家庭數,依家長性別
原文說明文字:One parent families are families composed by a lone parent with one or more children. A child refers to a blood, step- or adopted son or daughter (regardless of age or marital status) who has usual residence in the household of the parent, and who has no partner or own child(ren) in the same household.
3- 9
Private households by household type 家庭型態
原文說明文字:A private household is either: (a) One person household consisting of a person living alone in a separate housing unit or who occupies, as a lodger, a separate room (or rooms) of a housing unit but does not join with any of the other occupants of the housing unit to form part of a multi-person household OR (b) Multi-person household consisting of a group of two or more persons who combine to occupy the whole or part of a housing unit and to provide themselves with food and possibly other essentials for living.
3- 10
One person household by age and sex 單人家庭,依年齡及性別
原文說明文字:A one person household consists of a person living alone in a separate housing unit or who occupies, as a lodger, a separate room (or rooms) of a housing unit but does not join with any of the other occupants of the housing unit to form part of a multi-person household.
Work and the economy
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4- 1
Labour force by age and sex 勞動力人口,依年齡及性別
原文說明文字:The labour force/economically active population includes all residents who are either employed or unemployed. The employed are all persons above a specified age who, during a specified brief period, either one week or one day, were in the following categories: (a) paid employment: (a1) at work: persons who, during the reference period, performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind; (a2) with a job but not at work: persons who, having already worked in their present job, were temporarily not at work during the reference period and had a formal attachment to their job; (b) self-employment: (b1) at work: persons who, during the reference period, performed some work for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind; (b2) with an enterprise but not at work: persons with an enterprise, which may be a business enterprise, a farm or a service undertaking, who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason. The unemployed are all persons above a specific age who, during the reference period, were: (a) without work, i.e. were not in paid employment or self-employment, and (b) currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employment or self-employment during the reference period, and (c) seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified reference period to seek paid employment or self-employment.
4- 2
Employment by sector of activity and sex 就業者按行業別及性別區分
原文說明文字:The three main sectors of economic activity (agriculture, industry and services) are major groupings of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Third Revision (ISIC Rev.3).
4- 3
Employment by public and private sector, sex 就業者按受僱部門及性別區分
原文說明文字:The private sector covers private corporations (including those in foreign control), households and Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISHs). The public sector covers all sub-sectors of general government (mainly central, state and local government units, together with social security funds imposed and controlled by those units) and public corporations, i.e. corporations which are subject to control by government units (usually defined by the government owning the majority of shares).
4- 4
Employment by occupation and sex 就業者按職業別及性別
原文說明文字:The employed are all the residents above a specified age who, during a specified brief period, either one week or one day, were in the following categories: (a) paid employment: (a1) at work: persons who, during the reference period, performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind; (a2) with a job but not at work: persons who, having already worked in their present job, were temporarily not at work during the reference period and had a formal attachment to their job; (b) self-employment: (b1) at work: persons who, during the reference period, performed some work for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind; (b2) with an enterprise but not at work: persons with an enterprise, which may be a business enterprise, a farm or a service undertaking, who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason. The occupations are classified according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88).
4- 5
Employment by economic activity, occupation and sex (~ 2008 ISIC Rev.3 changed to Rev.4) 就業者按經濟活動、職業別及性別區分
原文說明文字:The occupations are classified according to the 1988 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) up to 2010. As of 2011 the occupations are classified according to the 2008 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) The economic activities are classified according to the main groupings of the International Standard of Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC). Transition from six main groupings of ISIC Revision 3 to ten main groupings of ISIC Revision 4 started around year 2008.
4- 6
Employment by level of education, occupation and sex 就業者按教育程度、職業別及性別區分
原文說明文字:The occupations are classified according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88). The level of education is the highest level successfully completed in the educational system of the country where the education is received. The levels are defined with reference to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997).
4- 7
Employment by status in employment and sex 就業人數,依從業身分及性別
原文說明文字:The status of employment is defined with reference to the distinction between 'paid employment' and 'self-employment' jobs. Workers holding paid-employment jobs have explicit (written or oral) or implicit employment contracts which give them a basic remuneration which is not directly dependent upon the revenue of the unit for which they work. Self-employment jobs are jobs where the remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits derived from the goods and services produced. Employees are all the workers who hold paid employment jobs. Employers are workers who hold self-employment jobs and have engaged, on a continuous basis, one or more persons to work for them in their business as employees. Own-account workers are workers who hold self-employment jobs and have not engaged, on a continuous basis, any employees to work for them during the reference period. Members of producers cooperatives are workers who hold self-employment jobs in a cooperative producing goods and services, in which each member takes part on an equal footing with other members in determining the organisation of production, sales and/or other work of the establishment, the investments and the distribution of the proceeds of the establishment amongst their members. Family workers are workers who hold self-employment jobs in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household.
4- 8
Employment by full-time and part-time status, sex 就業者按工作時間及性別區分
原文說明文字:Part-time/full-time: A part-time worker is an employed person whose normal hours of work are less than those of comparable full-time workers. In most countries, the distinction between part-time and full-time work is based on self-declaration. In a few countries, work is defined as part-time when the hours usually worked are below a fixed threshold.
4- 9
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 by age of youngest child and sex 25-49歲有幼年子女者就業比率,依性別及最小子女年齡
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons aged 25 to 49 in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Data are reported according to the age of the youngest child living in the household. Children living outside the household are not considered.
4- 10
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 by number of children aged under 17 and sex 25-49歲有17歲以下子女者就業比率
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons aged 25-49 in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Data are reported according to the number of children under the age of 17. Children living outside the household are not considered.
4- 11
Employment rate by marital status and sex 就業率按婚姻狀況及性別區分
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Marital status is defined as the legal conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country. The following classification is used: - Never married (single), - Married, - Widowed (and not remarried), - Divorced (and not remarried). In some countries the legal status of separated also exists and persons of this group are included here in the group of married.
4- 12
Unemployment by age and sex 失業者按年齡及性別區分
原文說明文字:The unemployed are all the persons above a specific age who, during the reference period, were: (a) without work (b) currently available for work (c) seeking work The unemployment rate is the share (in per cent) of the unemployed in the labour force (employed + unemployed).
4- 13
Youth unemployment by sex 失業青年,按性別
原文說明文字:The young unemployed are all the persons aged 15-24 who, during the reference period, were: (a) without work (b) currently available for work (c) seeking work The youth unemployment rate is the share of the young unemployed in the active population (employed + unemployed) aged 15-24.
4- 14
Long term unemployment by sex 長期失業者,依性別
原文說明文字:The long-term unemployed are the persons who have been unemployed for 12 months or more. The long-term unemployment rate is the share of the long-term unemployed in the total unemployed population.
4- 15
Economically Inactive population by reason for inactivity, age and sex 未從事經濟活動人口,依其未就業原因、年齡及性別區分
原文說明文字:The economically inactive population includes all the persons who are not part of the labour force, i.e. are neither employed nor unemployed.
4- 16
Gender pay gap 性別薪資差距
原文說明文字:Gender pay gap is the difference between men’s and women’s average earnings from employment, shown as a percentage of men’s average earnings.
4- 17
Gender pay gap by level of education 性別薪資差距,依教育程度區分
原文說明文字:Gender pay gap is the difference between men’s and women’s average earnings from employment, shown as a percentage of men’s average earnings. Educational attainment is defined as the highest level successfully completed by the person, in the educational system of the country where the education was received.
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5- 1
Upper and post secondary students by sex 高中職及專科學生按性別區分
原文說明文字:Upper and post secondary levels correspond respectively to levels 3 and 4 of ISCED 1997 classification. Tertiary level is not included.
Upper secondary education (level 3) typically begins at the end of full-time compulsory education for those countries that have a system of compulsory education. The entrance age to this level is typically 15 or 16 years.
Post secondary education (level 4) captures programmes that straddle the boundary between upper secondary and post-secondary education from an international point of view. Level 4 programmes can, considering their content, not be regarded as tertiary programmes. They are often not significantly more advanced than programmes at level 3 but they serve to broaden the knowledge of participants who have already completed a programme at level 3.
5- 2
Enrolment ratio at secondary level by sex 中等教育入學率按性別區分
原文說明文字:The net enrolment ratio is the number of students of the official school-age group (defined by each country) enrolled in secondary-level education per 100 persons of the same age group.
The gross enrolment ratio is the number of students enrolled in secondary level education (regardless of their age) per 100 persons of the official school-age group corresponding to secondary-level education.
5- 3
Educational attainment by level of education, age and sex 個人學歷按教育程度、年齡和性別區分
原文說明文字:Educational attainment is defined as the highest level successfully completed by the person, in the educational system of the country where the education was received.
5- 4
Graduates by type of programme and sex 畢業生按計畫及性別區分
原文說明文字:Graduates are those students who have successfully completed level 5A or 6 of the ISCED 1997 during the academic year, with some exceptions, where graduate data refer to the calendar year. Level 5A corresponds to tertiary programmes that are largely theoretically based and are intended to provide sufficient qualifications for gaining entry into advanced research programmes and professions with high skill requirements. Level 6 is reserved for tertiary programmes leading to the award of an advanced research qualification.
5- 5
Tertiary students by field of study, type of programme and sex 高等教育按學科領域、計畫類型和性別區分
原文說明文字:Tertiary students are those enrolled in level 5A, 5B or 6 of the ISCED 1997 for the academic year concerned. Level 5A corresponds to tertiary programmes that are largely theoretically based and are intended to provide sufficient qualifications for gaining entry into advanced research programmes and professions with high skill requirements. Level 5B corresponds to tertiary programmes that are practically oriented/occupationally specific and are mainly designed for participants to acquire practical skills. Level 6 is reserved for tertiary programmes leading to the award of an advanced research qualification.
5- 6
Teachers by level of education and sex 教師按所在教育層級及性別區分
原文說明文字:Teaching professionals teach the theory and practice of one or more disciplines at different educational levels, conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories and operational methods pertaining to their particular discipline, and prepare scholarly papers and books. The number of teachers is disaggregated according to education levels of enrolment. Education levels are classified using the ISCED 1997. Primary education corresponds to level 1, secondary education corresponds to levels 2, 3 and 4 and tertiary education corresponds to levels 5 and 6.
5- 7
Percentage of population in life-long learning by sex 終身學習人數百分比,依性別
原文說明文字:Life-long learning data are shares of persons aged 25 to 64 who answered they received education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. The denominator consists of the total population of the same age group, excluding no responses to the question ‘participation to education and training’. The numerator is formed by those persons who reported ‘participation in regular education’ and/or ‘participation in other taught activities’, while self learning activities are not included.
Public life and decision making
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6- 1
Members of national parliament by sex 國會成員按性別區分
原文說明文字:Members of parliament are the persons elected to the lower or single house by the persons entitled to vote in the country. The parliament is the legislative or deliberative assembly; one or more chambers or assemblies that form (or form part of) the legislature of a country. Data refer to the lower or single house.
6- 2
Core ministers by sex 部會首長按性別區分
原文說明文字:A ministry is a department of a government, led by a minister. A minister (sometimes called secretary) is a politician who holds significant public office in a national cabinet and is entrusted with the management of a division of governmental activities. A cabinet is a body of high-ranking members of government, typically representing the executive branch.
Core ministries include: Cabinet of Prime Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice.
6- 3
Government ministers by sex 政府部長按性別區分
原文說明文字:A ministry is a department of a government, led by a minister. A minister (sometimes called a secretary) is a politician who holds significant public office in a national cabinet and is entrusted with the management of a division of governmental activities.
A cabinet is a body of high-ranking members of government, typically representing the executive branch.
6- 4
Senior level civil servants by sex 高階公務員按性別區分
原文說明文字:Senior level civil servants are defined according to ISCO 1120 (e.g. government administrators, administrators at intergovernmental organisations, ambassadors, consul-general, etc.).
6- 5
Members of municipal councils or other local area governing bodies by sex 市議會或其他地方政府機構成員按性別區分
原文說明文字:The municipal council is the local government body that administers the territory at the lowest administrative level of a country. Local administrative levels are defined by each country. The administrative levels as referred to by the NUTS might serve as a starting point for EU and candidate countries.
6- 6
Judges by sex 法官按性別區分
原文說明文字:Judges are justice officers who hear and judge cases in courts of justice, instruct the jury on points of law, or pronounce judgement. Examples of the occupations classified are chief justice, judge, and magistrate.
6- 7
Central bank board members by sex 中央銀行董事會成員按性別區分
原文說明文字:The Central Bank is the institution which is charged with regulating the amount of the money supply in a country, the availability and cost of credit, and the foreign exchange value of its currency. The boards of Central Banks are the decision making bodies.
6- 8
Journalists by sex 記者按性別區分
原文說明文字:A journalist is a person whose profession is to write for newspapers or magazines or to prepare news or features to be broadcast on radio, television or electronic media.
6- 9
Heads of universities by sex 大學校長按性別區分
原文說明文字:A university is an institution of higher education providing facilities for learning (and usually research) and authorised to grant academic degrees.
6- 10
Ambassadors by sex 大使按性別區分
原文說明文字:An ambassador is a diplomatic official accredited to a foreign sovereign or government, or to an international organisation, to serve as the official representative of his or her own country.
6- 11
Police staff by sex 警察按性別區分
原文說明文字:Police staff or law enforcement personnel: personnel in public agencies whose principal functions are prevention, detection and investigation of crime and the apprehension of alleged offenders.
6- 12
Constitutional court members by sex 憲法法庭成員按性別區分
原文說明文字:Constitutional court is the high court that deals primarily with constitutional law. Its main authority is to rule on whether or not laws that are challenged are in fact constitutional. In the case that the country does not have a separate constitutional court, data relates to the institution that has been delegated constitutional judicial authority, usually the supreme court.
Health and mortality
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7- 1
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by sex 平均餘命和65歲平均餘命,按性別區分
原文說明文字:Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a newborn is expected to live, if the prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of her/his birth were to stay the same throughout her/his life. Life expectancy at 65 is the average number of years a person at the age of 65 is expected to live, if the prevailing patterns of mortality at the time when she/he has reached the age of 65 were to stay the same throughout the rest of her/his life.
7- 2
Infant mortality rate by sex 嬰兒死亡率
原文說明文字:The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1000 live births in a given year.
7- 3
Smokers as a percentage of population by age and sex 吸菸人口比例按年齡與性別區分
原文說明文字:Smoking is defined as the daily smoking of at least one cigarette.
7- 4
Population by level of Body Mass Index, ages and sex 人口按身體質量指數、年齡與性別區分
原文說明文字:Body Mass Index (BMI) is the international standard for measuring underweight, overweight, and obesity and is defined as the weight of a person (in kg) divided by the square of the person’s height (in metres): kg/sqm.
7- 5
Death rate by causes of death and sex 死亡率按死因和性別區分
原文說明文字:The (age-) standardized death rate (SDR) is a weighted average of age-specific mortality rates per 100 000 population.
Crime and violence
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8- 1
Victims of crime by type of crime and sex 刑案被害人按犯罪類型和性別區分
原文說明文字:Victims of crime are persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws within countries, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power.
8- 2
Convictions by age category and sex of offender 被定罪者按年齡和性別區分
原文說明文字:Persons convicted are persons found guilty by any legal body duly authorised to do so under national law, whether the conviction was later upheld or not.
8- 3
Convictions by type of offence and sex of offender 被定罪者按犯罪類型和性別區分
原文說明文字:Conviction is the verdict that results when a court of law finds a defendant guilty of a crime.
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Victims of homicide by relationship of perpetrator to victim and sex 凶殺案被害人按其與加害人關係及性別區分
原文說明文字:A homicide is intentional or unintentional killing.
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Prisoners by citizenship and sex 囚犯按國籍和性別區分
原文說明文字:Prisons are all publicly and privately financed institutions where persons are deprived of their liberty.
Science and ICT
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Computer use by age and sex 電腦使用按年齡與性別區分
原文說明文字:Data provided refer to the proportion of persons who used a computer in the last three months preceding the survey over the total population of corresponding sex and age group.
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Internet use by age and sex 網路使用按年齡與性別區分
原文說明文字:Use of Internet includes any kind of use, whether at home, at work or from anywhere else, for private or professional purposes, using a computer or any other means.
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Researchers by sector of research and sex 研究人員按研究領域及性別區分
原文說明文字:Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and also in the management of the projects concerned.
Work-life balance
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Couples with both partners aged 25-49 by working pattern and age of youngest child 伴侶雙方皆在25-49歲之間按工作型態和最小子女年齡區分
原文說明文字:Couple: A couple is defined as a man and woman living as a married couple, a registered couple or a couple who lives in a consensual union. Two persons are considered as partners in a consensual union when they have usual residence in the same household, are not married to each other and have a marriage-like relationship to each other.
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Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 by age of youngest child and sex 25-49歲人口就業率按最小子女年齡與性別區分
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons aged 25 to 49 in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Data are reported according to the age of the youngest child living in the household. Children living outside the household are not considered.
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Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 by number of children aged under 17 and sex 25-49歲人口就業率按17歲以下子女數與性別區分
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons aged 25-49 in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Data are reported according to the number of children under the age of 17. Children living outside the household are not considered.
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Employment rate by marital status and sex 就業率按婚姻狀態及性別區分
原文說明文字:The employment rate is the share of employed persons in the population of the corresponding sex and age group. Marital status is defined as the legal conjugal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or customs of the country. The following classification is used: - Never married (single), - Married, - Widowed (and not remarried), - Divorced (and not remarried). In some countries the legal status of separated also exists and persons of this group are included here in the group of married.
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Child care enrolment and availability rates 托育入學率及可用性比例
原文說明文字:Child-care refers to formal child-care arrangements, public or private, such as group care in child-care centres (creche) or registered childminders based in their own homes looking after two or more children. Child-care refers to children at youngest age (typically children aged under 3); pre-primary schools are excluded. Enrolment in child-care centres: Number of children aged under 3 enrolled in child-care centres per 100 children of the same age group. Data normally refer to beginning of the school-year. Availability of places in child-care centres: Ratio of the number of places available for children aged under 3 in child-care centres per 100 children of the same age group. Data refer to beginning of the school-year.
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Time use by activity and sex 時間運用情形,按活動類型及性別區分
原文說明文字:Time use represents the average time spent (hours and minutes) on an activity per day. All days of the week, as well as working and holiday periods are included. Data refer to employed, unemployed and economically inactive people aged 20-74.
Gainful work: includes time spent on main and second jobs (including informal employment) and related activities, breaks and travel during working hours, and on job seeking. Study: includes time spent on study at school and during free time. Domestic work includes housework, child and adult care, gardening and pet care, construction and repairs, shopping and services, and household management. Travel includes commuting and trips connected with all kinds of activities, except travel during working hours. Sleep includes sleep during night or daytime, waiting for sleep, naps, as well as passive lying in bed because of sickness. Meals includes meals, snacks and drinks. Personal care includes dressing, personal hygiene, making up, shaving, sexual activities and personal health care. Free time includes all other kinds of activities, e.g, volunteer work and meetings, helping other households, socializing and entertainment, sports and outdoor activities, hobbies and games, reading, watching TV, resting or doing nothing.
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Time use of employed persons by activity and sex 就業者時間運用情形,按活動類型及性別區分
原文說明文字:Time use of employed persons represents the average time spent (hours and minutes) on an activity per day by people currently in employment. All employed persons are included, whether they have been working at the time of the survey or on leave. All days of the week, as well as working and holiday periods are included. Data refer to people aged 20-74.
Gainful work: includes time spent on main and second jobs (including informal employment) and related activities, breaks and travel during working hours, and on job seeking. Study: includes time spent on study at school and during free time. Domestic work includes housework, child and adult care, gardening and pet care, construction and repairs, shopping and services, and household management. Travel includes commuting and trips connected with all kinds of activities, except travel during working hours. Sleep includes sleep during night or daytime, waiting for sleep, naps, as well as passive lying in bed because of sickness. Meals includes meals, snacks and drinks. Personal care includes dressing, personal hygiene, making up, shaving, sexual activities and personal health care. Free time includes all other kinds of activities, e.g, volunteer work and meetings, helping other households, socializing and entertainment, sports and outdoor activities, hobbies and games, reading, watching TV, resting or doing nothing.
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Time spent on domestic activities by sex 家務工作時間按性別區分
原文說明文字:Time use represents the average time spent on an activity per day (hours and minutes per day). All persons are included, whether they have performed this activity or not, and all days of the week, as well as working and holiday periods are included.
Domestic work includes the following: Food preparation, dish washing;Cleaning and other upkeep;Laundry, ironing, handicrafts and textile products;Gardening, constructions and repairs;Shopping and services; Child care;Adult care
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Time spent on free time activities by sex 自由時間運用按活動及性別區分
原文說明文字:Time use represents the average time spent on an activity per day (hours and minutes per day). All persons are included, whether they have performed this activity or not, and all days of the week, as well as working and holiday periods are included.
Free time includes activities that are not defined in other time use categories. E.g, volunteer work and meetings, helping other households, socializing and entertainment, sports and outdoor activities, hobbies and games, reading, watching TV, resting or doing nothing. Socializing – includes visiting and receiving visitors, feasts, phone calls and conversation with family or friends, etc. Reading - includes reading periodicals, brochures, books, etc. Sports – includes walking and hiking, all kinds of sports (jogging, ball games, water sports, etc.) productive exercises (hunting, fishing, picking berries, etc.) and sport related activities. Hobbies and games – collecting, correspondence, solo games and play, parlour games and play, gambling, etc. Includes also visual, performing and literary arts. Volunteer work and help – includes work for/through an organization and informal help to other households.
Note on data format: Data are reported in number of hours, where decimals represent hundredths of an hour (ex: 1.75 should be read 1 hour and 45 minutes; 0.20 should be read 12 minutes).