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類型 年度 作者 題名
學位論文 2015 蔡璧蓮;Tsai, Bi-Lian 張友漁《喂,穿裙子的!》性別議題研究= A Study on the Gender Issue in Zhang You-Yu’s “Hey, the One in he Skirt”
學位論文 2014 曾承涵;Cheng-Han Tseng 從台灣偶像劇之性別意識型態探討台南市國中生性別平等意識之研究= The Analysis of Gender Ideology in Taiwanese Idol Dramas:Exploring Gender Equity Consciousness of Junior High Students
學位論文 2013 陳金鴻;Chen, Jin-Hung 親屬法子女姓氏規範變革之妥適性 = Proper of the children surname regime transformation on law of domestic relation
學位論文 2013 陳螢蓁;Ying-Chen Chen 繪本教學對身心障礙學生 性別平等教育之行動研究= The Action Research of Gender Equality Education in Picture BooksTeaching to Elementary School Students with Disabilities
學位論文 2013 蕭曉燕;Hsiao-Yen Hsiao 應用繪本教學策略於國小學生隱私認知與態度之行動研究= An Action Research on Applying Picture Books Teaching Strategy on the Cognition and Attitude towards the Pupils’ Privacy
學位論文 2013 黃久倖;HUANG,CHIU-HSING 台中市高中學生同儕關係與生命態度之相關研究= A Study on Peer Relationship and Life Attitude for High SchoolStudents in Taichung
學位論文 2013 吳奕萱;Yi-Hsuan Wu 共有體驗情緒教育課程對提升幼兒情緒能力之影響= A Research of the Influence on the Preschoolers’Emotional Competency by Using the Shared-experience Emotional Education Curriculum
學位論文 2013 黃瑜婷;HUANG,YU-TING 就業培力團體對女性單親家長再就業之影響-以新北市某單親家庭服務中心為例= The Impact of the Employment Empowerment Group on Re-employment of Female Single Parents : A Single-parent Family Service Center in New Taipei City as an Example
學位論文 2013 陳莉莉;Chen, Li-Li 產科護理人員協助宮底施壓的照護經驗探討= The Nursing Experience of Assisting Fundal Pressure During Obstetric Nurse
學位論文 2013 李淑娥;LEE, SHU-O 運用圖畫書引導國小低年級學童寫作教學之研究= A Study of Applying Picture Books to Guided Writing Education for First Graders in Elementary School
學位論文 2013 廖琳瑋;Lin-Wei Liao 大學生第一次約會腳本= The First Dating Script of University Students
學位論文 2013 徐楨;HSU, CHEN 客家婦女參政之研究─以苗栗縣為例= The Study Of Hakka Women’ Political Participation ─ the Case of Miaoli County─
學位論文 2013 蔡育峰;Tsai Yu-Feng 國小校園霸凌受害學童之個案研究= Elementary school bullying victimization Case Study
學位論文 2013 吳臻幸;Chen-Hsing Wu 惘/網:學校課程革新脈絡中 女性教師主體性之敘事探究= Maze/Mesh :A Narrative Inquiry of Female Teachers’Subjectivities in Curriculum Innovation School Context
學位論文 2013 王勝吉;Sheng-Chi,Wang 國際教育融入學校課程之行動研究-以一所小學為例= An Action Research on Integration of International Education into School Curriculm-A Case Study of An Elementary School
學位論文 2013 黃彥超;Yen-Chao Huang 國民小學教師文化之理論模式建構= The Construction of Theoretical Model of Primary School Teachers Culture
學位論文 2013 何怡佳;YI-CHIA HO 我國企業職場暴力預防及處理機制之探討-以南科園區廠商為對象= The Study of the Prevention and Handling Mechanism of Workplace Violence in Taiwanese Enterprises- A Case Study on Southern Taiwan Science Park Enterprises
學位論文 2013 邱慧娟;Hui-Chuan Chiu 新竹縣國小教師多元智能教學信念和教學效能關係之研究= A Study Of The Relationship between Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences for Elementary School Teachers In Hsinchu County
學位論文 2013 張瓊文;Chyong Wen, Chang 不同類型對幼性交者之雙親關係、父母教養態度及依附型態之比較研究= The Survey on parental relationship, parental rearing attitude and attachment style among offending underage female sex offenders, A comparison between statutory rape and non-statutory rape.
學位論文 2013 林珍貝;Lin,Chen-Pei 戲劇比賽應用於國民小學海洋教育議題之探討-以基隆市「海洋百寶箱創意舞台秀」短劇比賽為例= The Exploration of the Drama Competitions Applied in Marine Education for Elementary School:An Example of the Skit Competition from “Creative Stage Show of Ocean Treasure Chest” in Keelung City
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